03 March 2025

IDP Changes for 4.44

The following changes have been made for 4.44:

  • We've updated the way files are named. On export all files will now align with IDP naming requirements. To allow this there is a new option when exporting an IDP. You can select if you are exporting to another FE institution or to a Local Authority. If exporting to a Local Authority, you can select the Local Authority from the drop down. This drop down is populated using the new LEA reference data.When exporting to an Local Authority the appropriate LEA number is included in the file name.

  • A new tab has been added to IDPs. From this tab users can send correspondence to the learner and their contacts to keep them informed. These can be emails, SMS or letters. The correspondence is generated using templates, so that the correct information is included in each message that is sent out.

    The templates are created and managed by users with the ebs: Ontrack Correspondence Manager role. Selecting Correspondence Manager from the left hand navigation menu, users can manage existing templates as well as create new ones.

  • To make it easier to accurately track the status of learner IDPs we have added the ability for staff to Cease or Pause an IDP. A ceased or paused IDP can be returned to an active state in the same way. Any notes added while an IDP is in the state Ceased or Paused, are logged as such. It is also possible to filter by these stauses

  • In line with the statutory requirements for IDPs the gender field has been replaced with sexwhen viewing and exporting IDPs.