UCAS Changes for 4.44
The following changes have been made for 4.44:
We have updated the way we handle first name data received from UCAS. If the UCAS first name data contains more than one name, the first name is mapped to the forename field and remaining names are placed in the middle names field.
Now when the UCAS import is run, the ebs Nationality and Ethnicity fields are populated based upon the received UCAS data. If there is no data the fields are left blank in ebs.
To allow you to ignore data you have already processed we have added an Application Year to the UCAS institution settings. This allows you to select the year's data you want to import.
The UCAS import now downloads the Applicant Background data for confirmed applicants.
Added Support for the new XML-Link Document Literal endpoints provided by UCAS.
To switch to the new endpoint it is necessary to update the URL and switch from the old workflow.
To update the UCAS HE xml-link URL in institution settings add doc as shown below:
Test (HEP1) - https://hep1xmllinkdoc.ucasenvironments.com/xml-link/XmlLinkWS
Production - https://xmllinkdoc.ucas.com/xml-link/XmlLinkWS
The active workflow should be 1207: UCAS xml-link Doc Data Load
Improved handling of dates of birth that are outside of defined college ranges. Rather than blocking import, these will now be imported with a blank date of birth.