03 March 2025

REST services Changes for 4.45

The following changes have been made to REST Services for 4.45:

  • A new REST endpoint WorkflowRequest has been added to create a workflow request. This API will run workflows attached to the new Rest Workflow Trigger.

  • NI The Create and Update Person REST services have been updated to include the following CDR fields:

    • GenderIdentity

    • GCSEICTGrade

    • ESkillsICTLevel

  • NI The HasNoDependants field in the Create and Update Person REST services is restricted to valid reference data.

  • NI The Create and Update Unit Instance Occurrence REST services have been updated to include the following CDR fields:

    • TotalQualTime

    • CurrModel

    • ETIAOSCode

    • RRQPLTitle

    • BoardCode

    • BoardName

      The values of RRQPLTitle, BoardCode and BoardName are automatically updated when the PLCode field is updated

  • NI The Create and Update Enrolments REST services have been updated to include the following CDR fields (EnrolmentCDRMessage):

    • ExpEndDate

    • WPComplete

  • ENG The Create and Update Enrolments REST services have been updated to include the following ILR fields (SpecialDetailsMessage):

    • AclProvisionType

    • AflProvisionType

    • TLOut

  • NI The HLAPathway field in the Create and Update Unit Instance Occurrence and Create and Update Enrolment REST services is restricted to valid reference data.

  • In the Create and Update Enrolment REST services:

    • The PriNonUk field has been removed from the HESA Study Locations message.

    • The EngPriNonUK field has been added to the People Units Special HESA message.

  • Planned Absence REST services have been added and updated to support the new functionality in this module.

    REST Planned absence apis

Changes for Service Pack 1

The following changes have been made to REST Services for 4.45 Service Pack 1:

  • WAL The Create and Update Organisation REST services have been updated to include the following LLWR fields:

    • ApprenticeLevy

    • ELWACode

    • EmployerSizeId

    • SICCode

    • SMECode

  • WAL The Update People > Organisation Links REST services have been updated to include the following LLWR fields:

    • ContactID

    • EmperiodDeletedFlag

    • ProgrammeID

    • TerminationReasonId

Changes for Service Pack 2

The following changes have been made to REST Services for 4.45 Service Pack2:

  • The Orders > Update Orders REST services have been updated to include the following fields:

    • AclProvisionType

    • TLOut

  • The Enrolments > Update Enrolments REST services have been updated to include the following fields:

    • AclProvisionType

    • TLOut

For more information, go to ebs REST Documentation.