ontrack Changes for 4.45
The following changes have been made for 4.45:
ontrack Hubs (Staff and Learner)
Menu items that link to de-supported Teaching and Learning modules (e.g. Targets, ILP and Support) have been removed.
Absence reporting menu links have been updated to reference the new screens.
The primary navigation pane has been consolidated into a single Designer page so that it is now fully configurable. Note that this change is contained in our base primary navigation pane, if you are using a customised version of the primary navigation pane you must copy the changes to your customised primary navigation pane.
The Content Security Policy (CSP) has been updated in order to be more accurate and context specific to improve security.
Hardcoded status names have been removed from ILP Targets and Reviews, allowing them to reference configurable labels.
The record Read Report sort has now been amended to be by Last Read according to date and time.
Staff and Contact Hub
The hyperlink for dual authentication has been replaced by a button. The button text, alternative text, and whether a logo (Google or Microsoft) is displayed as configured with institution settings.
The menu items that allow users to switch personas are now presented under a single View As menu item.
Validation and error handling has been implemented to restrict special characters which are proven to fail in Learner Correspondence for SMS in the following locations.
Learner Details
Course Applications
Course Enrolments
IDP Communications
Upload of learner evidence and photos has been updated to respect the Store uploaded documents in the file system institution setting.
Learner Hub
An accessibility statement page is available to unauthenticated users via a URL.
Attendance and Punctuality percentages have been updated in ontrack Learner Hub and Engage to round to whole numbers.
Previously mandatory fields required for the ILR are no longer visible as part of the enrolments process. These fields are:
Enrolments Further Details
Household Situation (HOUSEHOLD_SITUATION_1)
Additional Household Situation (HOUSEHOLD_SITUATION_2)
Please select your highest qualification (PRIOR_ATTAIN_LEVEL)
Upload of learner photos has been updated to respect the Store uploaded documents in the file system institution setting.