The new and updated REST Services for the 4.46 release are detailed in the table below.
REST Services
Business Impact
Affected Topics |
Verifier / Reference Data API call amendment
The endpoint for the existing web service API call to retrieve verifier values by domain has been amended from Verifier/GetVerifierValues/{rv_domain} to Verifiers/GetVerifierValues/{rv_domain}.
That this change could break integrations from third-party systems using the API.
Not applicable
Created a new webservice: Update Enrolment Learner
The Enrolments > Update Enrolments > Learner REST services have been updated to include the following fields:
These properties enable the saving of a learner's ACL_PROVISION and TAILORED_LEARNING_OUTCOME information.
Also, the Update Enrolment Learner service is available in the service drop-down in Designer to enable service service usability in ebs: ontrack Hub.
REST Services Available in Designer
Added new properties in Update Orders Web Service for Learners
The Orders > Update Orders REST services have been updated to include the following fields:
These properties save the ACL_PROVISION and TAILORED_LEARNING_OUTCOME information for a learner's enrolment in the table PEOPLE_UNITS_SPECIAL. This is reflected on the Enrolment Special Detail in ebs: central.
Also, the Update Order service is now available in the service drop-down in Designer to enable service usability in ebs: ontrack Hub.
REST Services Available in Designer
For more information on the REST services, go to ebs REST Documentation.