BETA Only applicable to institutions using the BETA release. Note that BETA documentation may be incomplete or contain errors.
The new and updated features for the 4.47 release are as follows:
Business Impact
Affected Topics |
Additional fields available for Learner Manager > Enrolments grid view
The following fields can now be added to the Learner Manager > Enrolments grid view using Screen Manager:
Not applicable
Learner manager > Enrolments grid configuration
The configuration changes to the Learner Manager > Enrolments grid, that have previously been implemented for by Tribal Professional Services following version upgrades, are now included in the base grid configurations.
Not applicable
Curriculum Manager > UIO grid
The configuration changes to the Curriculum Manager > UIO grid, that have previously been implemented for by Tribal Professional Services following version upgrades, are now included in the base grid configurations.
Not applicable
Business Impact
Affected Topics |
HESA Update Output to only return planned end dates within bounds of reference periods
For the Module entity, it is no longer required to return end dates if they fall outside of the HESA reference period.
The HESA output has been updated so that end dates are not returned if the date is greater than the reference period. For example, If a module starts on the 1st July and is due to end 30th November it will not be included in the output. However, for a module that starts on the 1st July and ends on the 31st July then it would be included because the return is due in October.
Not applicable
Update enrolment grid to include additional fields
The following fields will be available to edit and flood fill on the enrolments grid:
Not applicable
Update output for Reason ended with qualification awarded entity
When the Reason for engagement ending field has a value other than 01, then the
Qualification Awarded entity will not be included in the output.
Not applicable
Update output to exclude VENUEID when distance/outside of UK
The HESA output will not include the Qualification Awarded entity in the following scenarios:
Not applicable
Update overseas flag
When the overseas flag is selected for a learner, the Fee eligibility field is automatically populate with the value 02 Not eligible to pay home fees in the Enrolment Details > HESA Details tab when creating a new enrolment.
Not applicable
HESA Student - Update qualification awarded entity - Handle exit awards
The output has been updated to include Exit Awards under the Qualification Awarded entity.
Not applicable
Business Impact
Affected Topics |
Add Tailored Learning Purpose and Tailored Learning Outcome fields to Learner Manager
The Tailored Learning Purpose and Tailored Learning Outcome fields have been added to the Learner Manager > Enrolments tab.
Not applicable
Business Impact
Affected Topics |
SDR 2025 returns |
The following options have been added, in addition to the options already there:
SDR 2025+ Return - December 2025
SDR 2025+ Return - August 2025
SDR 2025+ Return - April 2025
SDR 2025+ Return - Indicative Enrolment 2025
Not applicable
Allow null values for Discounted Course Tuition Fee and Discounted Compulsory Course Costs Fee
The Discounted Course Tuition Fee and Discounted Compulsory Course Costs Fee on the Curriculum Details tab can now be saved with null values.
Not applicable
Course Title updated character limit
The Curriculum Details > Course Title field character limit has been increased to 225 characters.
Not applicable