03 March 2025

Output Files - SDR 2025+

  • The output files are named as follows:

    • Learner file - LEAR[Providercode].csv

    • Course Register - REGT[Providercode].csv

    • Course Enrolment File - ENRL[Providercode].csv

    • Course Completion File - COURCOMP[Providercode].csv

    • Qualification Completion File - QUALCOMP[Providercode].csv

  • Where the Provider Code is taken from institution setting with the same name on the General (Cross-System) screen.

    When the return has successfully completed, the five files are written to the selected directory path.

    If an indicative return type is chosen then only the learner file (1), course enrolment file (2), and course register file (3) is included.

    The output files are in a CSV format with the following parameters.

    With list rows, where each row contains values separated by commas. The first row of the .CSV file contains the column titles. These describe the data in each column. eg.

    • Provider Code,Student Identification Code,Gender,Name ID Code

    • 1234,5678901234,1,LEE A 2345,3567892345,2,VAN M

    If there are commas in data, then the data is enclosed in double quotes. eg.

    • Gender,Name ID Code

    • 2,"JR, A"

    Numbers do NOT have commas

    Columns with multiple entries e.g Iwi, ethnicity are separated by semi-colon. eg.

    • Name ID Code,Ethnicity

    • "JR, A",111;121;129,

    The following extraction criteria applies to the output files: