SDR Snapshot Tables Appendix
The following appendices detail the snapshot tables that store the date returned by SDR views on generation of the SDR files:

This table stores the metadata for the SDR snapshot.
Field | Description |
Institution_context_ID | System context for the associated SDR_SNAPSHOT record [FK=INSTITUTION_CONTEXTS.ID] |
return_id | ID of the SDR Return, Foreign Key from FUNDING_RETURNS.ID. |
created_date | Date the record was created. |
created_by | User that created the record. |
DSR_Status | Status of the SDR 2025+ return (P=Pending, E=Extracted, S=Submitted). |
updated_date | Date when the record was updated. |
updated_by | User that updated the record. |
sdr_status | Status of the SDR return: P (Pending), E (Extracted) or S (Submitted). |

This table stores the data returned by the EBS_SDR_COURSE_COMPLETION view for SDR file generation.
Field | Description |
Institution_Context_ID | System context for the associated SDR_COURSE_COMPLETION_SNAPSHOT record [FK=INSTITUTION_CONTEXTS.ID] |
sdr_snapshot_id | Foreign Key to SDR_SNAPSHOT table. |
return_id | Funding returns ID. |
parent_id | People Unit ID. |
created_by | User that created the record. |
created_date | Date when the record on the people units table was created. |
instit | Provider code. |
id | Student identification code. |
course | Course code. |
complete | Student course completion indicator. |
crs_srt | Course start date. |
nsn | National Student Number. |
crs_end | Course end date. |
pbrf_crs_comp_yr | PBRF course completion year. |

This table stores the data returned by the EBS_SDR_COURSE_ENROLMENTS view for SDR file generation.
Field | Description |
Institution_Context_ID | System context for the associated SDR_COURSE_COMPLETION_SNAPSHOT record [FK=INSTITUTION_CONTEXTS.ID] |
sdr_snapshot_id | Foreign Key to SDR_SNAPSHOT table. |
assist | Category of fees assessment for international students for each enrolment. |
attend | Intramural/extramural attendance. |
AUS_Residency | Australian Residential Status |
category | Funding category. |
class | Course classification. |
consortium | Identifies the cooperative arrangement among groups or institutions |
created_by | User that created the record. |
crs_srt | Course start date. |
crs_end | Course end date. |
crs_wtd | Student's course withdrawal date. |
course | Course code. |
return_id | Funding returns ID. |
instit | Provider code. |
id | Student identification code. |
ite_subject | A concatenated list of all specific curriculum subject areas that a learner is studying (from ITE_SUBJECT1->4), delimited by semi-colon. |
ite_subject_1 | The specific curriculum subject 1 areas that a learner is studying where they are enrolled in an Initial Teacher Education qualification where the ITE sector is secondary |
ite_subject_2 | The specific curriculum subject 2 areas that a learner is studying where they are enrolled in an Initial Teacher Education qualification where the ITE sector is secondary |
ite_subject_3 | The specific curriculum subject 3 areas that a learner is studying where they are enrolled in an Initial Teacher Education qualification where the ITE sector is secondary |
ite_subject_4 | The specific curriculum subject 4 areas that a learner is studying where they are enrolled in an Initial Teacher Education qualification where the ITE sector is secondary |
ite_sector | Identifies the sector for a learner enrolled in Initial Teacher Education |
qual | Qualification code. |
crs_site | Course delivery site. |
funding | Source of funding. |
residency | Residential status. |
depracated_13 | Deprecated field. |
manaappr | Managed apprenticeship. |
nzsced | NZSCED Field of Study. |
factor | Course EFTS Factor. |
efts_by_months | A concatenated list of all EFTS by month (from EFTS_MTH_01->12), delimited by semi-colon. |
efts_mth_01 | EFTS by Month 1. |
efts_mth_02 | EFTS by Month 2. |
efts_mth_03 | EFTS by Month 3. |
efts_mth_04 | EFTS by Month 4. |
efts_mth_05 | EFTS by Month 5. |
efts_mth_06 | EFTS by Month 6. |
efts_mth_07 | EFTS by Month 7. |
efts_mth_08 | EFTS by Month 8. |
efts_mth_09 | EFTS by Month 9. |
efts_mth_10 | EFTS by Month 10. |
efts_mth_11 | EFTS by Month 11. |
efts_mth_12 | EFTS by Month 12. |
nsn | National Student Number. |
parent_id | The enrolment ID. |

This table stores the data returned by the EBS_SDR_COURSE_REGISTER view for SDR file generation.
Field | Description |
Institution_Context_ID | System context for the associated SDR_COURSE_COMPLETION_SNAPSHOT record [FK=INSTITUTION_CONTEXTS.ID] |
sdr_snapshot_id | Foreign Key to SDR_SNAPSHOT table. |
return_id | Funding returns ID. |
created_by | User that created the record. |
instit | Provider code. |
course | Course code. |
ctitle | Course title. |
qual | Qualification code. |
class | Course classification. |
nzsced | NZSCED Field of Study. |
registerlevel | Level on the NZ Qualifications Framework. Previously known as REGISTERLEVEL. |
credit | Credit. |
category | Funding category. |
factor | Course EFTS Factor. |
stage | Stage of pre-service teacher education qualification. |
fee | Course tuition fee. |
internet | Internet based learning indicator. |
pbrf | PBRF eligible course indicator. |
foreign_fee | Tuition fee paid by international fee-paying student ($ New Zealand excluding GST). |
cccosts_fee | Compulsory course costs fee (Inclusive of GST). |
exempt | Course exemption from AMFM (Annual Maximum Fee Movement). |
emb_lit_num | Embedded literacy and numeracy flag. |
disc_compulsory_crs_fee | The discounted course fee charged to domestic learners who enrol in the course. |
disc_course_tuition_fee | The discounted course fee charged to domestic learners who enrol in the course. |
emb_lit_num | Embedded Literacy and Numeracy Flag |

This table stores the data returned by the EBS_SDR_QUAL_COMPLETIONS view for SDR file generation.
Field | Description |
Institution_Context_ID | System context for the associated SDR_COURSE_COMPLETION_SNAPSHOT record [FK=INSTITUTION_CONTEXTS.ID] |
sdr_snapshot_id | Foreign Key to SDR_SNAPSHOT table. |
return_id | Funding returns ID. |
parent_id | Attainment code. |
created_by | User that created the record. |
instit | Provider code. |
nsn | National Student Number. |
qual | Qualification code. |
main_1 | Main Subject(s). |
main_2 | Main Subject(s). |
main_3 | Main Subject(s). |
yr_req_met | Year requirements met. |
depracated_9 | Deprecated field. |

This table stores the data returned by the EBS_SDR_STUDENTS view for SDR file generation.
Field | Description |
Institution_Context_ID | System context for the associated SDR_COURSE_COMPLETION_SNAPSHOT record [FK=INSTITUTION_CONTEXTS.ID] |
sdr_snapshot_id | Foreign Key to SDR_SNAPSHOT table. |
return_id | Funding returns ID. |
created_by | User that created the record. |
instit | Provider code. |
id | Student identification code. |
gender | Gender. |
dob | Date of birth. |
depracated_5 | Deprecated field. |
nameid | Name ID code. |
prior_a | Main activity at 1 October in year prior to current formal enrolment. |
first_yr | First year of tertiary education. |
dis_access | Disability services accessed indicator. |
s_school | Last secondary school attended. |
y_school | Last year at secondary school. |
sec_qual | Highest secondary school qualification. |
citizen | Country of citizenship. |
depracated_14 | Deprecated field. |
disability | Disability indicator. |
finish | Expectation to complete a qualification this year. |
iwi_1 | Iwi affiliation 1. |
iwi_2 | Iwi affiliation 2. |
iwi_3 | Iwi affiliation 3. |
iwi_4 | Iwi affiliation 4. |
iwi_5 | Iwi affiliation 5. |
iwi_6 | Iwi affiliation 6. |
iwi_affiliation | A concatenated list of all Iwi affiliation of the learner (from IWI_1->6), delimited by semi-colon |
irdnos | IRD number. |
nsn | National Student Number. |
foreign_fee | Tuition fee paid by international fee-paying student ($ New Zealand excluding GST). |
max_exempt_fee | Maxima exempt fees (Inclusive of GST). |
ethnic_1 | Ethnicity 1. |
ethnic_2 | Ethnicity 2. |
ethnic_3 | Ethnicity 3. |
ethnic_4 | Ethnicity 4. |
ethnic_5 | Ethnicity 5. |
ethnic_6 | Ethnicity 6. |
ethnicity | A concatenated list of all ethnicity of the learner (from ETHNIC_1->6), delimited by semi-colon. |
perm_post_code | Permanent postcode. |
term_post_code | Term postcode. |
dis_access | Disability Services Accessed Indicator |
disab_1 | Disability Support Need 1. |
disab_2 | Disability Support Need 2. |
disab_3 | Disability Support Need 3. |
disab_4 | Disability Support Need 4. |
disab_5 | Disability Support Need 5. |
disab_6 | Disability Support Need 6. |
disab_7 | Disability Support Need 7. |
disability_status | Indicates the disability status of a learner |
disability_support_needs | A concatenated list of all disability support needs of the learner, delimited by semi-colon. |
fees_free_eligible | Fees Free Eligible Indicator |
total_fee | Total fee for domestic student |