03 March 2025

Set Shared Sequences

It is possible for a system (for example: a test system) to obtain its sequences from another database (for example: the live system). This ensures no clashes between IDs on the two different databases when transferring configured Screen Manager pages between instances.

You can also set shared sequences for use with the Designer module.

This change should be made:

  • When both databases are on the same version
  • Immediately following a live to test database transfer

It is recommended that the test system is modified so that it obtains its sequences from the live database (that is: the live database becomes the master repository of sequences). It is possible to set up more than two databases (for example: test, train and live) to share one set of sequences, but this requires extra checks upon setup, and advice should be sought from Tribal Support before proceeding.

To set shared sequences:

  1. Log into the test system, and then click the Options button after clicking the ebs button.

    Options button

    The Options window is displayed.

    Options window

  2. Select Sequence Database from the Designer node in the left-hand panel to display the Master database for sequences screen.

    Master database for sequences screen

  3. Set the target database to Deployed on another target database and enter the live database name.

  4. Enter the database username and password, and then click the Test button to check whether the connection is working.

    Test button

    A message is displayed confirming whether the target has been set correctly.

    Connection successful message

  5. Click OK to save your changes on the test database.
  6. Log into the live system, open the same Options screen, and then select the Deployed on this database radio button.

    Deployed on this database radio button

  7. Click OK to save your changes.

    The target database is set.