Add a Room to an Event

You can add multiple rooms to an event and use the Room functionality to set how the room should be set out.

To add a room to an event:

  1. Open the required event. See Open an Existing Event for more information.

  2. Click the Add Room button in the Add section of the Timetable ribbon.

    Add Room button

    Note: You can also right-click on the Room tab and select Add to add a room to an event.

    Add Room button

    The Room Search window is displayed.

  3. Use the Room Search window to search for the required room.

    Room Search

    Note: The Apply Values check box will be selected by default in the Timing section. This ensures that only available rooms are displayed, however it is possible to view all rooms by deselecting this.

  4. Select the required room to add to the event.

    Rooms tab

    Note: You can add multiple rooms to one event by repeating steps 1-3.

    See Using the Event Tabs for further information on using the Room tabs.

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