Merge Events
Merging provides a way to combine two register events (for example: when class sizes have reduced and two groups can be brought together to optimise the use of staff and rooms).
Exam events cannot be merged.
You can merge events by:

To merge events:
Open the required timetable. See Open a Timetable for further information.
Right-click the event that is being merged from and select the Merge Into option.
The Search Results window is displayed.
- Use the filters in the left-hand panel to locate and select the relevant event.
Use the Merge Options panel to select:
- The date from which the merger is to be applied
- Whether you are merging the two events into a new, third event
Whether to include the rooms and staff from the merged-from to the merged-to event
Courses and learners are merged automatically.
Click the Perform Merge button.
A confirmation message is displayed.
Click Continue.
The selected events are merged, and the Event Details page displayed.
A note entry is automatically created for the resulting event that includes the details of the merger and who it was performed by.
If there are remaining slots for the merged-from events, notes are added to those events. If the merged-from event(s) have no remaining marked slots and have been deleted as a result of the merge, this is recorded in the note entry for the merged-to event.
If there are no remaining marked slots of an event that has been merged from, it will be deleted. Otherwise the marked slots are retained and all slots or meetings after the date from when the merger is to take place are cancelled. The learners and any other specified resources from the event being merged from that are being transferred to the event that is being merged to will acquire the slot. A slot is an occurrence of an event (for example if an event occurs on every Monday from 14:00 to 16:00 for ten weeks, then there will be ten slots, one for each week that it takes place). Slots are shown in the lower row of the week pattern. pattern of the latter event from that date.

To merge events:
Open the required timetable. See Open a Timetable for further information.
Select the two events that you want to merge by holding down the Ctrl key while selecting the events with the left mouse button.
Right-click on one of the events and select which event is to be merged into the other from the Merge option.
You must choose which event's slot pattern will form the basis of the new event, as the new event will have the same slot pattern as the event being merged into.
All slots or meetings from the two source events that are being merged together are cancelled from the date when the merger is to take place.
The Search Results window is displayed.
Use the Merge Options panel to select:
- The date from which the merger is to be applied
- That you are merging the two events into a new, third event. Ensure this check box is selected for this merge method.
Whether to include the rooms and staff from the merged-from to the merged-to event
Courses and learners are merged automatically.
Click the Perform Merge button.
A confirmation message is displayed.
Click Continue.
The selected events are merged, and the Event Details page displayed.
A note entry is automatically created for the resulting event that includes the details of the merger and who it was performed by.
If there are remaining slots for the merged-from events, notes are added to those events. If the merged-from event(s) have no remaining marked slots and have been deleted as a result of the merge, this is recorded in the note entry for the merged-to event.
If there are no remaining marked slots of an event that has been merged from, it will be deleted. Otherwise the marked slots are retained and all slots or meetings after the date from when the merger is to take place are cancelled. The learners and any other specified resources from the event being merged from that are being transferred to the event that is being merged to will acquire the slot. A slot is an occurrence of an event (for example: if an event occurs on every Monday from 14:00 to 16:00 for ten weeks, then there will be ten slots, one for each week that it takes place). Slots are shown in the lower row of the week pattern of the latter event from that date.