03 March 2025

Timetable Overview

The Timetable Overview screen enables you to look at multiple course, staff or room timetables so that you can quickly compare their usage and make necessary amendments to the events.

You must have the EBS4Timetables licence to access Timetable Overview.

The Staff Timetable Overview will be used as an example for this section; however the same steps can be followed for course and room timetables.

To open the Timetable Overview screen:

  1. Select the Staff Member option from the Open Timetable Overview drop-down in the Timetable tab.

    Open Timetable Overview - Staff Member option

    The Staff Search window will be displayed.

  2. Use the search window to display the staff members you want to view. The following example shows staff that can teach and are available on Mondays between 09:30 and 14:30.

    Staff Search

  3. Select the staff members you want to view on the Timetable Overview screen. You can select multiple staff members by holding down Shift while selecting the first and last staff member, or alternatively hold down Ctrl to select one staff member at a time.

    Staff Search - selected rows

  4. Right-click on the selected staff members and select the Open option.

    Open option

Using the Timetable Overview screen you can: