03 March 2025

Export the Latest Refund File

Pending refunds are available after you have imported a payment schedule, processed the matched payments, and manually refunded StudyLink receipts in the Enrolment Client.

The value of the Status field for each refund line depends on the progress status of each qualification level enrolment for the learner. This is set to ‘W’ (Withdrawn) if:

  • All qualification level enrolments where the start date is after the StudyLink current year start date are Withdrawn
  • The qualification is flagged as ‘Include in StudyLink’ for the learner

Otherwise, the value is set to null.

To create a refund file:

  1. Select the relevant records in the Pending Refund Details grid.

    Pending Refund Details grid

    You can select multiple records using Shift-click (for a series of records), Ctrl-click (for individual records) or Ctrl-A (for all records).

    You can only include refunds that have been unlocked. To unlock a refund, click in the Locked field of the relevant refund record(s) and then click Save.

    Locked column

  2. Click the Export Latest Refund File button on the StudyLink Commands ribbon.

    This button can only be used once per day.

    Export Latest Refund File button

    If the file is successfully exported, a message similar to the following is displayed.

    Export Succeeded window

    The file is exported to the Output Path defined in StudyLink Options.

    Refund files are named using the following standard:

    F_XXXX_ddmmyyyy.PAY, where XXXX is the Provider Code institution setting (on the General (Cross-System) screen) and ddmmyyyy is the current date.