Import a Status Report
Use the Status Reports screen to import a status report file (.asr) and view the status of a learner's application with StudyLink.
You can import more than one .asr file before processing the file contents.
To import a status report:
Select the Status Reports tab.
Click the Import StudyLink File button on the StudyLink Commands ribbon.
The Import StudyLink File window is displayed.
Click the Browse button adjacent to the Please select a file to import field.
The Open window is displayed.
Search for and select the relevant file, and then click the Open button.
The import is carried out and the details displayed in the Import StudyLink File window.
The learner records are then displayed in the Status Reports grid. Partially Matched records are displayed by default. Use the Auto-Match Status list to select Matched or Not Matched records, as required.
Refer to Manual and Automatic Learner Matching for further information on learner matching.