Manual and Automatic Learner Matching
The auto-matching process that is used during the import of a VoS Request, Payment Schedule, Status Report or Declined Fee file attempts to match each record in the imported file with a current learner in the ebs database.
The auto-matching process attempts to match records using the following details:
- Full name
- Partial name
- Date of birth
- Student ID (ebs Person code)
The matching conditions applied to each line in sequential order are:
- Student ID and DOB (matched)
- Student ID and Full name (matched)
- DOB and Full name (matched)
- Student ID and Partial name (partially matched)
- DOB and Partial name (partially matched)
- Student ID (partially matched)
- DOB (partially matched)
- Full name (partially matched)
- Partial name (partially matched)
- Duplicate Name and DOB (partially matched)
- Duplicated DOB (partially matched)
- Duplicate Partial name (partially matched)
An unconfirmed learner that is created in ebs: ontrack Learner Hub will only ever be partially matched even if all the matching criteria are met. The Not Known or Pending value for an unconfirmed learner record is Student Unconfirmed.
For Payment Schedule and Status Report file records that are flagged as Not Matched or Partially Matched, a further matching process will attempt to match the record based on the latest previous Request with the same identifying demographic parameters. The demographic parameters used to determine the further auto-match are:
- Family name(s)
- Given Name(s)
- Date of Birth
- Students Client Number
- Providers Student ID
If the system makes a successful match using this further matching process, the Match condition will be set to a new match condition of 'Prev matched'. The Match status for the record will be set to the Match status that is associated with the 'Previously matched' Match condition.
You can also manually match learners in the following ways:

You can search for a learner in the ebs database to match to a record. You can do this if you think that the auto-matching process has not suggested the correct learner, but the correct learner exists in the ebs database.
You can use the Learner Search feature throughout the StudyLink module.
To search for a learner:
Select 'Partially Matched' from the Auto-Match Status drop-down list.
Select the learner record in the relevant grid.
Click the Search button on the StudyLink Commands ribbon.
The Learner Search window is displayed.
Search for and select the relevant learner, and then click the Select Person button.
- Click Save.

Select 'Partially Matched' from the Auto-Match Status drop-down list.
Select the required learner record(s) in the relevant grid.
You can select multiple records using Shift-click (for a series of records), Ctrl-click (for individual records) or Ctrl-A (for all records).
Click the Match button on the StudyLink Commands ribbon.
The system will then update the status of the record to 'Matched'. This update is displayed in green to identify that the status has been changed, but not yet saved.
Click Save.
The record will disappear from the grid if the Auto-Match Status is set to 'Partially Matched'.

Select 'Partially Matched' from the Auto-Match Status drop-down list.
Select the required learner record(s) in the relevant grid.
You can select multiple records using Shift-click (for a series of records), Ctrl-click (for individual records) or Ctrl-A (for all records).
Click the No Match button on the StudyLink Commands ribbon.
The system will then update the status of the record to 'Not Matched'. This update is displayed in green to identify that the status has been changed, but not yet saved.
If the learner record does not have a Not Known or Pending value, an error message is displayed. Return to the grid and edit the Not Known or Pending field for the relevant record, and then repeat this process.
Click Save.
The record will disappear from the grid if the Auto-Match Status is set to 'Partially Matched'.