Use StudyLink
The StudyLink module is divided into the following tabs:

Select the VoS Details tab to view VoS details and do the following:
- Import a VoS Request
- Match learners
- Export the latest VoS Response
- Export a specific VoS Response
- Create a manual VoS Response
- Create a manual VoS Request
The fields on the VoS Details tab are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
Locked | Whether to mark the record for inclusion in the VoS Response file. A record must be unlocked to be included. |
Student ID | The learner ID. |
Client Number (yellow) | The client number (from StudyLink). |
Family Name | The learner's surname. |
Given Names | The learner's forename(s). |
DOB (yellow) | The learner's date of birth (from StudyLink). |
Start Date | The learner's study start date. |
Fee Info |
Whether study details, or study and fee details, are required for the learner and will be included in the VoS Response:
Request Source |
This field displays one of the following:
Match Condition | The matching conditions that were used to obtain the Match Status (for example: Student ID and DOB). |
Match Status | Whether the record is matched, not matched, or partially matched. |
Bad Debtor | Whether the learner is likely to fall into ‘bad debt’ (for example: late in paying fees). |
Date of Death | The learner's date of death. |
Person Code | The learner's person code. |
Client Number (white) | The learner's client number (from the ebs database). |
Surname | The learner's surname. |
Forename | The learner's forename. |
Middle Names | The learner's middle name(s). |
Alternative Surname | The learner's alternative surname. |
Alternative Forename | The learner's alternative forename. |
DOB (white) | The learner's date of birth (from the ebs database). |
Unconfirmed | Whether the learner is unconfirmed. |
Not Known or Pending |
When the system auto-matches learners in the VoS Request file, it may assign a Not known or Pending value that will be exported in the VoS Response file. You can edit this value by selecting from the drop-down list. |

Select the Pending Refund Details tab to view pending refund records and export the latest refund file.
The fields on the Pending Refund Details tab are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
Locked | Whether to mark the record for inclusion in the VoS Response file. A record must be unlocked to be included. |
Student ID | The learner ID. |
Client Number (yellow) | The client number (from StudyLink). |
Family Name | The learner's surname. |
Given Names | The learner's forename(s). |
DOB (yellow) | The learner's date of birth (from StudyLink). |
Amount | The refund amount. |
Status | The refund status. |

Select the Payment Details tab to view payment records and do the following:
The fields on the Payment Details tab are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
Student ID | The learner ID. |
Client Number (yellow) | The client number (from StudyLink). |
Family Name | The learner's surname. |
Given Names | The learner's forename(s). |
DOB (yellow) | The learner's date of birth (from StudyLink). |
Match Condition | The matching conditions that were used to obtain the Match Status (for example: Student ID and DOB). |
Match Status | Whether the record is matched, not matched or partially matched. |
Person Code | The learner's person code. |
Client Number (white) | The learner's client number (from the ebs database). |
Surname | The learner's surname. |
Forename | The learner's forename. |
Middle Names | The learner's middle name(s). |
Alternative Surname | The learner's alternative surname. |
Alternative Forename | The learner's alternative forename. |
DOB (white) | The learner's date of birth (from the ebs database). |
Not Known or Pending |
When the system auto-matches learners, it may assign a Not known or Pending value that will be exported in the VoS Response file. You can edit this value by selecting from the drop-down list. |
Amount | The payment amount. |
Payment Type | The payment type. |
File Name | The file name. |

Use the Status Reports tab to view status report details and do the following:
The fields on the Status Reports tab are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
Student ID | The student ID. |
Client Number (yellow) | The client number (from StudyLink). |
Family Name | The learner's surname. |
Given Names | The learner's forename(s). |
DOB (yellow) | The learner's date of birth (from StudyLink). |
Match Condition | The matching conditions that were used to obtain the Match Status (for example: Student ID and DOB). |
Match Status | Whether the record is matched, not matched, or partially matched. |
Person Code | The learner's person code. |
Client Number (white) | The learner's client number (from the ebs database). |
Surname | The learner's surname. |
Forename | The learner's forename. |
Middle Names | The learner's middle name(s). |
Alternative Surname | The learner's alternative surname. |
Alternative Forename | The learner's alternative forename. |
DOB (white) | The learner's date of birth (from the ebs database). |
Not Known or Pending |
When the system auto-matches learners in the VoS Request file, it may assign a Not known or Pending value that will be exported in the VoS Response file. You can edit this value by selecting from the drop-down list. |
Status | The current application status. |
File Name | The file name. |
Status Date | The date of the current status. |
Status Context | The status context. Refer to the StudyLink website for further information. |

Select the Non Payment Details tab to view non-payment details and do the following:
The fields on the Non Payment Details tab are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
Student ID | The student ID. |
Client Number (yellow) | The client number (from StudyLink). |
Family Name | The learner's surname. |
Given Names | The learner's forename(s). |
DOB (yellow) | The learner's date of birth (from StudyLink). |
Match Condition | The matching conditions that were used to obtain the Match Status (for example: Student ID and DOB). |
Match Status | Whether the record is matched, not matched or partially matched. |
Person Code | The learner's person code. |
Client Number (white) | The learner's client number (from the ebs database). |
Surname | The learner's surname. |
Forename | The learner's forename. |
Middle Names | The learner's middle name(s). |
Alternative Surname | The learner's alternative surname. |
Alternative Forename | The learner's alternative forename. |
DOB (white) | The learner's date of birth (from the ebs database). |
Not Known or Pending |
When the system auto-matches learners in the VoS Request file, it may assign a Not known or Pending value that will be exported in the VoS Response file. You can edit this value by selecting from the drop-down list. |
File Name | The file name. |
The left-hand side of the grids are displayed in yellow to denote that they are StudyLink records, and any suggested records for learners in the ebs database are displayed in the right-hand side in white.
To select a different set of records to view, select the required option from the Auto-match Status drop-down list.
To show only locked records, select the Show locked only check box. A locked record is excluded from the VoS Response file.
Use the tabs at the bottom of the screen to view more details of the selected learner.