03 March 2025

Add Fund Types to Funding Years

Use the Funds screen to add fund types to a funding year. The funding year dictates the dates between which the funds can run.

The combination of the fund code and funding year must be unique.

To add a fund to a funding year:

  1. Click the Add button on the Support Manager ribbon.

    Add button

    A row is added to the Funds grid.

    Funds grid

  2. Enter the details into the relevant fields.

The fields in the Funds grid are described in the following table.

This field Holds this information...
Fund Code

The fund type. Select from the drop-down list.

There must be only one occurrence of the fund type for the funding year.

Funding Year The funding year. Enter the code of the funding year or select from the drop-down list.
Start Date The start date of the fund. This defaults to the start date of the funding year.
End Date The end date of the fund. This defaults to the end date of the funding year.
Include in ILR Whether to include the fund type in the ILR return.
Linked Role

The custom user role for this fund type. Only users with this role can manage data for this fund type.

Refer to Add user roles for information on setting up custom roles.

Active Whether the fund type is active.
Initial Allowance Total The initial fund amount given to institutions for distribution.
Adjustment % The percentage adjustment to be made to the fund amount.
Adjustment Total

The total adjustment fund amount. This is automatically calculated based on the percentage entered in the Adjustment % field and the amount entered in the Initial Allowance Total field.

This field is read-only.

Adjustment Reason The reason for the adjustment.
Adjusted Allowance Total

The total adjusted allowance fund amount. This is automatically calculated based on the amount entered in the Initial Allowance Total field minus the amount entered in the Adjustment Total field.

This field is read-only.

Remaining non-allocated Funds (Planned)

The remaining non-allocated fund amount for planned support records. This is automatically calculated based on the amount entered in the Adjusted Allowance Total field minus the planned support records relating to the fund.

This is a calculated field to provide the latest value at the point of recall.

This field is read-only.

Remaining non-allocated Funds (Delivered)

The remaining non-allocated fund amount for delivered support records. This is automatically calculated based on the amount entered in the Adjusted Allowance Total field minus the delivered support records relating to the fund.

This is a calculated field to provide the latest value at the point of recall.

This field is read-only.

Remaining non-allocated Funds (Combined)

The remaining non-allocated fund amount for planned and delivered support records. This is automatically calculated based on the amount entered in the Adjusted Allowance Total field minus the planned and delivered support records relating to the fund.

This is a calculated field to provide the latest value at the point of recall.

This field is read-only.

Fund At Risk Threshold % The percentage of the remaining fund amount allowed before a warning is displayed when allocating learner funds.
Negative Fund Allocations Allowed Whether funds can be allocated that result in a negative total remaining value.
FAM Type The funding and monitoring type. Select from the drop-down list.
FAM Code The funding and monitoring code. Select from the drop-down list.
  1. Click Save.