Add Learners to Fund Occurrences
Use the Learners screen to manage learners linked to fund occurrences.
You can create multiple records against a UI in the same funding year, so that you can correctly track what funding is being associated with which programme/course for any learner, as they may have support allocated for child courses on any one programme of study throughout the year and can subsequently correctly claim funding from the ILR for each of the support periods.
From the Learners screen, you can:

To add a learner to a fund occurrence:
Click the Add button on the Support Manager ribbon.
A new row is added to the Learners grid.
- Enter the details in the relevant fields.
The fields in the Learner grid are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
Fund Code | The fund code. Select from the drop-down list. |
Funding Year | The funding year. Select from the drop-down list. |
Person Code | The learner's person code. Enter the code or click the Search button to search. |
Surname | The learner’s surname. This is populated automatically on entering the person code. |
Forename | The learner’s forename. This is populated automatically on entering the person code. |
Maximum Allocation |
The amount for fund capping. This field is optional. |
UI Code |
The code of the UI to which the fund type applies. Enter the code or click the Search button to search. The available UI Codes will be restricted if the Restricted UIO Search institution setting is selected. ENG This field is required for ILR updates. Refer to Update ILR Records in Support Manager for further information. |
Calendar Occurrence |
The calendar occurrence of the UI. Enter the code or click the Search button to search. ENG This field is required for ILR updates. Refer to Update ILR Records in Support Manager for further information. |
UI Description | The description of the UI. This is populated automatically on selecting the UI Code. |
Enrolment Start Date |
Displays the enrolment start date. This is populated automatically based on the following field order:
This field is read-only. |
Enrolment End Date |
Displays the enrolment end date. This is populated automatically based on the following field order:
This field is read-only. |
Current Planned | The total cost of the learner’s planned provision. This is calculated automatically based on the learner’s support plan. |
Current Delivered | The total cost of the learner’s delivered provision. This is calculated automatically based on the learner’s support plan. |
Current Non-Funded | The total cost of the learner’s non-funded provision. |
SEN Statement | Whether the learner has a Statement of Special Education Needs. |
EHCP | Whether the learner has the Has Health Care Plan check box selected on the Learner Details screen for the learner. |
Section 139a | Whether the learner has a Section 139a LDA (Learning Difficulty Assessment). |
Section 140 | Whether the learner has a Section 140 LDA (Learning Difficulty Assessment). |
Self Declared | Whether the learner has self-declared support needs. |
Staff Referral | Whether the learner has been referred by a member of staff. |
Referee | The person code of the staff member who has raised the referral. This field is mandatory if the Staff Referral check box is selected. Enter the code or click the Search button to search. |
Referee Name | The name of the staff member who has raised the referral. This is automatically populated on selecting the Referee. |
Support Coordinator | The person code of the staff member who will be the main co-ordinator for delivering the learner’s support plan. Enter the code or click the Search button to search. |
Support Coordinator Name | The name of the staff member who will be the main co-ordinator for delivering the learner’s support plan. This is automatically populated on selecting the Support Coordinator. |
Support Tutor | The person code of the staff member who will be the lead tutor involved in the delivery of the learner’s support plan. Enter the code or click the Search button to search. |
Support Tutor Name | The name of the staff member who will be the lead tutor involved in the delivery of the learner’s support plan. This is automatically populated on selecting the Support Tutor. |
- Click Save.

To add learners in bulk to a fund:
Click the Learner Search button on the Support Manager ribbon.
The Learner Search window is displayed.
Enter the required search criteria, and then click the Search button.
The search results are displayed in the right-hand pane.
Do one of the following:
Select the required learners from the search results, and then click the Add Selected Learners button at the top of the Learner Search window to add the selected learners to a fund
You can select multiple records using Shift-click (for a series of records), Ctrl-click (for individual records), or Ctrl+A (for all records).
Click the Add All Learners button at the top of the Learner Search window to add all learners to a fund
To clear the selected learners and filter criteria, click the Clear button at the top of the Learner Search window.
A confirmation message similar to the following is displayed.
Click Yes to add the selected learner records to a fund.
A record is added to the Learners grid for each selected learner.
Enter the required details for each learner record. Use the flood fill functionality to update learner records in bulk.
The fields in the Learners grid are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
Fund Code | The fund code. Select from the drop-down list. |
Funding Year | The funding year. Select from the drop-down list. |
Person Code | The learner's person code. Enter the code or click the Search button to search. |
Surname | The learner’s surname. This is populated automatically on entering the person code. |
Forename | The learner’s forename. This is populated automatically on entering the person code. |
Maximum Allocation |
The amount for fund capping. This field is optional. |
UI Code |
The code of the UI to which the fund type applies. Enter the code or click the Search button to search. The available UI Codes will be restricted if the Restricted UIO Search institution setting is selected. ENG This field is required for ILR updates. Refer to Update ILR Records for further information. |
Calendar Occurrence |
The calendar occurrence of the UI. Enter the code or click the Search button to search. ENG This field is required for ILR updates. Refer to Update ILR Records for further information. |
UI Description | The description of the UI. This is populated automatically on selecting the UI Code. |
Enrolment Start Date |
Displays the enrolment start date. This is populated automatically based on the following field order:
This field is read-only. |
Enrolment End Date |
Displays the enrolment end date. This is populated automatically based on the following field order:
This field is read-only. |
Current Planned | The total cost of the learner’s planned provision. This is calculated automatically based on the learner’s support plan. |
Current Delivered | The total cost of the learner’s delivered provision. This is calculated automatically based on the learner’s support plan. |
Current Non-Funded | The total cost of the learner’s non-funded provision. |
SEN Statement | Whether the learner has a Statement of Special Education Needs. |
EHCP | Whether the learner has an Education, Health and Care Plan. |
Section 139a | Whether the learner has a Section 139a LDA (Learning Difficulty Assessment). |
Section 140 | Whether the learner has a Section 140 LDA (Learning Difficulty Assessment). |
Self Declared | Whether the learner has self-declared support needs. |
Staff Referral | Whether the learner has been referred by a member of staff. |
Referee | The person code of the staff member who has raised the referral. This field is mandatory if the Staff Referral check box is selected. Enter the code or click the Search button to search. |
Referee Name | The name of the staff member who has raised the referral. This is automatically populated on selecting the Referee. |
Support Coordinator | The person code of the staff member who will be the main co-ordinator for delivering the learner’s support plan. Enter the code or click the Search button to search. |
Support Coordinator Name | The name of the staff member who will be the main co-ordinator for delivering the learner’s support plan. This is automatically populated on selecting the Support Coordinator. |
Support Tutor | The person code of the staff member who will be the lead tutor involved in the delivery of the learner’s support plan. Enter the code or click the Search button to search. |
Support Tutor Name | The name of the staff member who will be the lead tutor involved in the delivery of the learner’s support plan. This is automatically populated on selecting the Support Tutor. |
- Click Save.