Export Learner or Support Plan Records
You can export learner records to a CSV file for reporting purposes.
To export learner records:
Select the Learners or Support Plans tab in Fund Manager.
- Use the Condition Builder to display the required learner or support plan records.
Select the records you want to export in the relevant grid.
You can select multiple records using Shift-click (for a series of records), Ctrl-click (for individual records), or Ctrl+A (for all records).
Click the Export button on the Support Manager ribbon, and then select one of the following:
- Selected - exports only the selected learner data
- All - exports all the learner data in the grid
The Select destination for the output file window is displayed.
Select the target folder and enter a file name for the output file in the window that is displayed, then click the Save button.
A file is then exported to the target destination.