Manage Support Plans in Fund Manager
Use the Support Plans screen to add and edit learner support plan records in bulk, where appropriate, rather than individually accessing each learner’s support plan in Support Plan Manager.
You can also manage support plans in Support Plan Manager.
Use the Support Plans screen to:

To add or edit an existing support plan:
Click the Add button on the Support Manager ribbon to add a new row to the Support Plans grid.
Alternatively, use the condition builder to search for an existing record in the Support Plans grid.
Enter or edit the details the relevant fields, as required.
The fields in the Support Plans grid are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
Person Code |
The person code of the learner. Click the Search button to display the Learner Search window, where you can search for and select the learner. This field is mandatory. |
Forename | The learner’s first name. This populates automatically when a person code is entered or selected. |
Surname | The learner’s last name. This populates automatically when a person code is entered or selected. |
Support Fund Code |
The fund code. Select from the drop-down list. This field is mandatory. |
Funding Year |
The funding year. Select from the drop-down list. This field is mandatory. |
Cost Category | The cost category. Select from the drop-down list. |
Support Type |
The support type. Select from the drop-down list. The available options are support types set up with a cost category of null, or with the cost category selected for the group (for example: if the cost category of Exam Support is selected, only support types set up with a cost category of Exam Support or null in reference data are available). |
Start Date | The date that the support is due to start. Click the Calendar button to display the calendar, where the required date can be selected. |
End Date | The date that the support is due to end. Click the Calendar button to display the calendar, where the required date can be selected. |
Unit Type | The unit type. This is automatically populated with the Default Unit Type of the support type, if specified. |
Unit Cost | The unit cost. This is automatically populated with the Default Unit Cost of the support type, if specified. |
Number of Units | The number of units. This is automatically populated with the Default Num Units of the support type, if specified. |
Total Cost |
The total cost. This can be one of the following:
Adjustment Amount | The adjustment amount (in GBP) can be positive (that is: an increase) or negative (that is: a reduction). If you enter a value greater than zero, you must then enter an adjustment reason. |
Adjustment Reason | The reason for the adjustment amount entered. |
Support Plan Type | The support plan type. This is either Planned (default) or Delivered. If the Delivered check box is selected, this field will update to 'Delivered'. |
Grouped |
Whether the support cost is a proportion of a group cost. This field is read-only. |
Delivered |
Whether the plan is delivered. This defaults to 'N' when creating a planned support record. When the record is saved, if you have the Full Delivered Support role, you can select this check box. The details of the planned support record are then duplicated in the corresponding delivered support record. |
UI Code | The UI code. This is populated with the values in the corresponding column on the Learners tab for the learner. |
Calendar Occurrence |
The calendar occurrence. This is populated with the values in the corresponding column on the Learners tab for the learner. This field is read-only. |
UI Description |
The UI description. This is populated with the values in the corresponding column on the Learners tab for the learner. This field is read-only. |
Support Coordinator | The person code of the staff member who will be the main co-ordinator for delivering the support. Enter the code or click the Search button to search. |
Support Coordinator Name | The name of the staff member who will be the main co-ordinator for delivering the support. This is automatically populated on selecting the Support Coordinator. |
- Click Save.

To delete a support plan:
Use the Condition Builder to display the required support plan records.
Select the support plan record(s) you want to delete in the Support Plans grid.
You can select multiple records using Shift-click (for a series of records), Ctrl-click (for individual records), or Ctrl+A (for all records).
Click the Delete button on the Support Manager ribbon.
A confirmation message is displayed.
Click Yes to mark the record(s) for deletion.
Click Save.