03 March 2025

Use the Designer Panel

The Designer panel of the Workflow Builder contains a Sequence container that stores the activities included in your workflow.

Workflow Builder Designer window

You can re-order the workflow items by dragging and dropping them as required. Click and drag it to the required position, between the sequence arrows.

The Warnings panel of Workflow Builder displays any errors in the workflow, indicated by an exclamation mark icon.

Example sequence view

You can remove activities from a sequence, right-click the item and click Delete.

Delete item from the sequence container

If you are unable to view the entire contents of your workflow in the Designer panel, double-click the title bar of an item to display its contents. A breadcrumb navigation trail is displayed to enable you to return to the parent activity.

Designer breadcrumb navigation

The Designer section contains the following views:

You can set the properties of each activity in the Properties section of Workflow Builder.