Use the Designer Panel

The Designer panel of the Workflow Builder contains a Sequence container that stores the activities included in your workflow.

Workflow Builder Designer window

You can re-order the workflow items by dragging and dropping them as required. Click and drag it to the required position, between the sequence arrows.

Note: The Warnings panel of Workflow Builder displays any errors in the workflow, indicated by an exclamation mark icon.

Example sequence view

You can remove activities from a sequence, right-click the item and click Delete.

Delete item from the sequence container

Note: If you are unable to view the entire contents of your workflow in the Designer panel, double-click the title bar of an item to display its contents. A breadcrumb navigation trail is displayed to enable you to return to the parent activity.

Designer breadcrumb navigation

The Designer section contains the following views:

Note: You can set the properties of each activity in the Properties section of Workflow Builder.