03 March 2025

Use the Workflow Manager Ribbon

The Workflow Commands ribbon contains the following function buttons.

Workflow Manager Ribbon

These buttons are described in the following table.

This button Does this...
New Database Trigger Adds a new database trigger. Refer to Add a database trigger for more information.
New Schedule Trigger Adds a new scheduled trigger. Refer to Add a schedule trigger for more information.
New Custom Trigger Adds a new custom trigger. Refer to Add a custom trigger for more information.
Delete Deletes the selected item.
Export Exports a workflow trigger and associated workflows and conditions to the Serialise SER file format. Refer to Export a Workflow Trigger for more information.
Import Imports a workflow trigger. Refer to Import a Workflow Trigger for more information.
Attach Reference Adds a .dll component that contains code triggers to invoke workflows.
Rerun workflows Reruns a workflow. Refer to Rerun a Workflow for more information.
New Workflow

Builds a new workflow.

The adjacent arrow button displays the following options:

  • Edit Workflow - edits the selected workflow
  • Attach Workflow - attaches a workflow to the trigger
  • Attach/Edit Condition - attaches or edits a condition added to the workflow
  • Remove Condition - removes a condition from the workflow
  • Attach Workflow Event Parameter - attaches a workflow event parameter to the workflow trigger
  • Remove Workflow Event Parameter - removes a workflow event parameter from the workflow trigger
  • Attach Parameter - attaches a parameter to the workflow
  • Remove Parameter - removes a parameter from the workflow
  • TestTrigger - tests the workflow trigger
  • View Workflow Xaml - opens the Workflow Xaml window
  • Clone Workflow - clones the selected workflow
  • Rebuild - rebuilds triggers and workflows
  • Clear Cache - clears cached workflow behaviour
Attach Service Attaches a service to a workflow. The adjacent arrow button allows you to remove a service.

Filters the workflow tracking statuses.

The adjacent arrow button displays the following options:

  • Show All - displays all tracking records
  • Running - displays records for workflows that are currently executing
  • Completed - displays records for workflows that have successfully completed
  • Terminated - displays records for workflows that have failed in execution
  • Closed Terminated - preserves error data, but does not affect the error flagging
  • Created - displays created workflows
  • Suspended - displays suspended workflows
  • Cancelling - displays workflows that are currently cancelling
  • Cancelled - displays cancelled workflows

Filters the workflow tracking dates.

The adjacent arrow button reveals the following options:

  • Calendar - displays tracking information for a specific day
  • Show All - displays all available tracking information
  • Today - displays tracking information for the current date
  • Week - displays tracking information for the week
  • Two Weeks - displays tracking information for the past two weeks
  • Three Weeks - displays tracking information for the past three weeks
  • Month - displays tracking information for the past month
  • Two Months - displays tracking information for the past two months
  • Six Months - displays tracking information for the past six months
  • Year - displays tracking information for the past year

Refreshes the workflow tracking data.

The adjacent Arrow button reveals the following options:

  • Refresh - reloads the display
  • Close Terminated - changes the status of a terminated workflow to 'Closed Terminated'
  • Cancel - stops the execution of a currently running workflow
  • Rerun - resubmits the selected workflow with the parameters against the selected workflow
  • Resume - restarts a suspended workflow