Use the SendEmail Activity

Use caution when building or editing a workflow. For further advice or to arrange training, contact your professional services consultant.

The SendEmail activity can be used to distribute an email.

The SendEmail activity is located in the Communication section of the Tribal Toolbox.

The minimum requirements for the SendEmail activity are Body, From, Subject, and To.

This activity contains the following relevant properties:

Section This field Holds this information...
Inputs Attachment The location of a document that you want to attach to the email.
Attachments The location of multiple documents that you want to attach to the email.
Bcc The Bcc (Blind carbon copy) recipient, set to an appropriate email address, within double quotes.
Body The body text of the email.
Cc The Cc (carbon copy) recipient, set to an appropriate email address, within double quotes.
DeleteAttachments Set to null or true to delete attachments.
FooterImage A footer image added as a byte array.
FooterImageFileFormat The file format for the footer image.
From The sender, set to an appropriate email address, within double quotes.
FromDisplayName Overwrites the value entered in the From email display name institution setting.
IsHtmlBody When set to true, the email body must be written in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language).

The network port.

The Port property is set to 25 by default.

ReplyTo Overwrites the value entered in the Reply To email address institution setting.
ReplyToDisplayName Overwrites the value entered in the Reply To email display name institution setting.
RequireDeliveryNotification Whether to advise the sender that delivery is successful.
ResizeFooterImage Set to null or true to resize the footer image.
SmtpHost The path and name of your outbound mail server.
SmtpServerPassword The password for the account used in the SmtpServerUsername value.
SmtpServerUsername A user account with access to the server used for email distribution.
Subject The subject of the email.
To The recipient of the email, set to an appropriate email address, within double quotes.
UseSsl Whether to enable or disable SSL (Secure Sockets Layer).
Misc DisplayName

The title of the activity.

The DisplayName property is set to SendEmail by default.

Outputs ExceptionMessage Set an appropriate message to describe failures.
SendSuccess Whether to advise the sender that the email has been successfully sent.

SendEmail Activity properties

Clicking the ellipsis button adjacent to the relevant field opens the Expression Editor where you can enter the relevant code in the Visual Basic (VB) format.