Search an IDP

To find an IDP for a student you first need to navigate to the IDP staff homepage.

  1. Select IDP Staff from the left hand navigation menu. This takes you to the search page.

  2. You can search for an IDP by:

    - learner name

    - person code

    - IDP status

    - Date of birth

    - Review target date

    Complete at least one field then select the Show learners button.

  3. Select the menu icon next to the student you are interested in then select the action you need.

    • View - Lets you scroll through the screens of the IDP, or change tabs to see the Learner Details.

    • Edit (only available to assigned staff)- Gives an editable version of the IDP. After making changes you need to go to the final page of the IDP report to find the Complete for Submission button.

    • Import - Upload an xml file with IDP details. This will overwrite any IDP details already stored for the learner.