03 March 2025

Markbook Verification (New)

Markbook Verification (New) replicates all functionality contained in the old markbook verification screen as well as improving performance. The new markbook verification screen also enables new and enhanced functionality. For example, improved search options, sort and filtering, clearing verified results, searching and verifying by programme, recording sampled units, and releasing verified results.

The new markbook verification screen is available to use alongside the old markbook verification screen for all staff members with the Exams Synchronisation staff role for a course. Note that the old markbook verification screen will be de-supported in the 4.49 release.


You can use the search panel to search for learners by subject or programme. When searching by programme, you can select multiple courses for verification. For example, to select the Online Business and Business Planning courses that are part of the BTEC Diploma in Business Administration programme. You can also, optionally, select a tutor group for the programme or subject as shown in the image below.

New markbook verification screen

You can then choose additional search options to reduce the number of learners displayed using the following toggles:

  • Only show learners with unverified grades

  • Only show learners with generated grades

  • Exclude withdrawn learners

On searching for learners you can then sort and filter the results using the column header and filter options. For example, to filter by grades containing PA. You can combine filters using the AND or OR operators as shown in the image below. Note that you can clear all filters to return to the original search results.

Markbook sort and filter

If required, you can display the Unit score and Aggregate unit score in the markbook verification grid by enabling the settings in the institution settings for Markbook. However, if this data is not required then it should be left off to save space and improve data clarity on the grid.


Use Markbook Verification (New) to find the learners of interest. You can then perform the following actions:

Verify results
You can verify and save results individually or verify all graded units. Updated cells are shown in green, when amending a value you can then fill that value to the rest of the column using the Fill column (all records) button above the grid. The image below shows a selection of amended records and the option to fill that value to the rest of the column.
New markbook grid
Clear verified results
Staff members with the Clear verified status role are able to change the verification status of previously saved results. You can select Unlock records and then change the verification status of a record, as shown in the image below. Note that you cannot change the verification status if the results have been released to learners.
Markbook clearing verified results
Record sampled units in Markbook verification grid

Optional feature that must be enabled in the institution settings for Markbook.

If enabled, you can select the Record sampled units toggle above the markbook verification grid. On selecting the toggle, the Verified column changes to read-only and a new Sampled column is shown on the grid. You can then select which units have been sampled. Note that Fill column and Save all are not supported for sampled units as only a small number of learner units will be marked as sampled. The image below shows the markbook verification grid with the Record sampled units enabled.

Record sampled units in markbook verification

Release verified results in Markbook verification grid

Optional feature that must be enabled in the institution settings for Markbook.

If enabled, you can release verified grades to learners by selecting the Release all verified units button above the markbook verification grid. On releasing the grades to learners, the grades will be visible to the learners on the assessments screens. Once grades have been released to learners they cannot be edited, regardless of whether the Unlock records toggle is selected. Released grades are indicated by a green circle around the verified tick, as shown in the image below.

Released grades shown in markbook