Add a Note
Notes are a quick method for sharing information with other members of staff and learners. The template are often quick to complete and do not require a lot of detail. The note templates you see will depend on your institution.
On the Safeguarding Tutor page select + Add Note.
Use the dropdown to select the Note Form that best fits your needs
Use the new dropdown to add a category. The category is used for monitoring purposes in your institution, this is not shown to the student
(optional) Use the dropdown, if present, to add a KPI. The KPI is used to give the student quick feedback on the type of notes they have recieved.
Select the Search Learner button.
Find the learner or learners using any of the following search terms:-
Learner Name: There are separate boxes for first and surname. You do not need to fill in both.
Learner preferred name: This is the students recorded preferred name, if they have one.
Learner person code: This is the learner code as listed on the learner's detail page.
Current academic year only: This toggle is on by default. Turning it off allows you to search all learner records.
Course Code: The code for the course the learner is enrolled on.
Tutor Group: A dropdown list of tutor groups.
You do not need to complete all of the fields to start a search. One is sufficient, but using more will return fewer results.
Select Show learners to return results.
Select the checkbox next to the learners you want to add to the note. You can add as many learners as you need.
Select Update.
The options shown depend on how the template has been set up. Some default options will be selected.
You may not see the following options in all templates.
Send to Linked Staff- If this option is shown it allows you to send a notification to staff with specific connections to the learner.Send to UIO teachers - send a notification to any staff linked to the learner's curriculum.
Send to Enrol. supervisor - send a notification to any tutors linked to the learner's enrolment as a supervisor, this could be a personal tutor or assessor.
Send to register staff - send a notification to any tutors with safeguarding permissions who have registers with the learner.
Send to department heads - send a notification to the heads of the departments the learner is a member of.
Send to staff for common courses only - This drop down contains the list of courses that all selected learners share. If a course is selected from this list then only the register staff from that course are notified.
Staff Notifications - In this section you may have the option to mark a note as urgent. If you do so, in most cases, the notification will be delivered sooner than for a non-urgent note. The difference will depend on your institution's notification settings.
The final section of the form is the template that will be sent out. In most cases there will be some instructional text and a space for you to add information. Once the form is complete select Submit Note to send the note, or Save as draft to finish later.