03 March 2025

View a Safeguarding Message

Selecting a message from your inbox or learner search will open it. Inside the message there are a number of actions you can take depending on your role. As well as the contents of the message there is also extra information provided.

Example message view with sections on labelled 1 to 5

1 Basic Information

This section provides basic information about the message including any categories or KPIs assigned to the message, who created it, when it was created and when it was last updated.

2 Message State

In this section you can see and affect the state of the message. The options that are available differ between Safeguarding Tutors and Safeguarding Managers.

All users can tell if the learner can see or reply to the message and the status of the message.

If the message is not escalated you can select the Escalate button. This sends a notification to everyone with the Safeguarding Manager role, bringing the message to their attention.

The Update status button allows you to change the status of the message. The options are :- Close as resolved, Close as unresolved and reopen.

If a message has been escalated only Safeguarding Managers will be able to change the status.

Safeguarding Managers

The Restrict button locks the message. When selected, the message contents will be hidden from anyone who does not have the safeguarding manager role. Restricted messages can be Un-restricted in the same way.

3 Recipients

This is the list of people the message has been sent and copied to.

4 Read Report

The Read report button opens a screen that shows who has read the message, how many times, when they first opened it and when they most recently opened it.

5 Message Contents

This is the actual contents of the message. This shows whatever the reporter put into the template.

Replying to the Message

Responses and comments can be added at the bottom of the message. If there is a response template, anyone who was notified of the message can return a response. All comments can be found at the bottom of the page.