Enrolment Validation
When a learner selects the required course(s) and navigates from the institution website to ebs: ontrack Learner Hub, the following validation is checked before enrolments are created and the learner can proceed to the Personal Details page:
- If the course is oversubscribed or the course is available but a mandatory child/grandchild is oversubscribed where:
- The over enrol action is set to 'Create Record in Waiting List', the learner can select whether they want to be added to the waiting list
- The over enrol action is set to 'Oversubscription not allowed' or 'Oversubscription warning message', the learner is prevented from enrolling on the course
- If the learner has not been previously enrolled on pre-requisite courses associated with the UI of the UIO they want to enrol on and the Allow enrolment without pre-requisites institution setting on the Ontrack Learner screen is set to 'N', the learner is prevented from enrolling on the course
- If the Are duplicate people unit records allowed? institution setting on the General (Cross-System) screen is set to either of the below, which would result in the system creating a duplicate enrolment, the learner is prevented from enrolling on the course where:
- The 'No Duplicates' or 'Duplicates allowed but warning given' option is selected for the setting, and there is an existing enrolment on the UIO (regardless of progress code)
- The 'No Duplicates (ignore non-active units)' option is selected for the setting, and there is an existing enrolment on the UIO with an 'Active' progress code

The following enrolment validation is specific to New Zealand users only:
- If the Online Enrolment Prevent check box is selected and/or the Bad Debtor field is populated for the learner, the learner is prevented from enrolling on the course
- If the Learner must be validated for enrolment institution setting on the Enrolments screen is set to Y and:
- The Include in SDR check box is selected against the UI
- The SDR type is B or C against the enrolment
- The learner has not been validated at Level 1 or Level 2
The learner can click the Confirm button to create a Level 1 validation document against their record of the type defined in the Default Learner Portal Validation Document institution setting on the Ontrack Learner screen and continue with their enrolment.
- If the Learner must be validated for enrolment institution setting on the Enrolments screen is set to Y, the learner is prevented from enrolling on the course where:
- The Include in SDR check box is selected against the UI
- The SDR type is D against the enrolment
- The learner has not been validated at Level 2
- If the International flag is set to Yes for the learner, and they do not have the necessary documents/validation as defined in the International Validation mode institution setting on the International screen, the learner is prevented from enrolling on the course
- If an application has not been completed for the selected UIO and the following settings are configured, the learner is prevented from enrolling on the course where:
- The Application Required check box is selected against the UI
The Completed application progress code institution setting on the Applications screen is set and the learner does not have an application present for the UIO with a progress code set as specified in the above setting
- The Completed application progress code institution setting on the Applications screen is not set
When the validation has been performed for the selected course(s), if there are any other courses that do not have errors, the learner can continue to enrol on these.