Use the Markbook Grid and Curriculum Head Tabs

The Markbook Grid tab enables you to mark assessment results for programme units that you are associated with (for example: you can mark assessments in a per assignment basis for all learners on that unit).

Note: You must have the Markbook User role assigned in User Roles in ebs: ontrack Teaching and Learning and a staff link to a UIO which is not of type Course Build or Owner for the Markbook Grid tab to be displayed.

Markbook Grid tab

Users configured as the Department Head can view academic and vocational markbook elements (where they are available) on the Curriculum Head tab.

Curriculum Head tab

When marking assessment results that have a pass or fail marking criteria (that is: for a vocational markbook), the following applies:

You can also bulk update assessments in the Assessments grid in ebs: central.

The Academic Markbook grid differs from the vocational grid and is primarily intended for academic courses (for example: A Levels).

Academic Markbook grid

Rather than displaying check boxes, the academic grid displays the minimum and maximum marks possible for the assessment. The values for each assessment can then be entered into the relevant fields for each learner.

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