Add a Pastoral Form Message as a Learner

To add a pastoral form message to send:

  1. Click the Add new pastoral form entry button.

    Add new pastoral form entry button

    The Add Pastoral Form Entry window is displayed.

    Add Pastoral Form Entry window

  2. In the Form field, select the required pastoral form template to use from the drop-down list.

    A blank pastoral form is displayed, with the fields that are available based on the configuration of the selected pastoral form template.

    Blank pastoral form

    Note: The icons displayed in the top right-hand corner of the window indicate whether you can view or respond to a message and if notifications are sent, which depends on the configuration of the selected pastoral form template. Hover the cursor over an icon to view a tooltip.

    View and respond ability icons

The fields that can be displayed for a pastoral form are described in the following table.

This field Holds this information...
Primary Recipient The primary recipient of the pastoral form message. Select a primary recipient from the Recipient drop-down list.
Copied In The staff members to copy in for the pastoral form message. Select a recipient from the Recipient drop-down list.
Summary A summary of the message.
Message The message content.
Support Need Type The type of support required.
Description of Need A description of the support required.
Provide details of concern Details of the concern.
Made contact with Any persons contacted.

Note: Further text boxes can also be displayed at the bottom of the window depending on the configuration of the pastoral form template, where you can enter the required comments.

  1. Click the Save button.

    Save button

    The pastoral form message is sent to the selected recipients. The message will also be displayed on the Sent tab.

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