Manage Pastoral Form Messages as a Learner

The following tabs are displayed on the My Pastoral window:

You can select the Show archived items check box at the top of the window to display any pastoral form messages that have been archived and click the Refresh Messages button to refresh the list of pastoral form messages.

Show archived items check box and Refresh Messages button

You can filter pastoral form messages displayed by pastoral form type from the Filter Messages by Form Type field at the top of the window.

Filter Messages by Form Type field

You can also filter by custom text by entering the required filter in the text box and clicking the Filter view of pastoral messages button.

Filter view of pastoral messages button

The fields on the Inbox and Sent tabs are described in the following table.

This field Holds this information...

The type of pastoral form message.

Note: The icon beside the summary indicates the status of the message (for example: read). You can hover the cursor over the icon to display a tooltip which states the message status.

Icon tooltip

Learner The learner the pastoral form message is relating to.
Author The author of the pastoral form message.
Recipient The recipient of the pastoral form message and whether the message has been read (with the date and time displayed if it has been read).
Created The date and time the pastoral form message was created.
Updated The date and time the pastoral form message was last updated.

You can archive a message by clicking the Move this message to your archive button.

Move this message to your archive button

You can archive multiple messages at once by selecting the check boxes of the messages you want to archive, and then clicking the Move all selected messages to your archive button.

Move all selected messages to your archive button

To retrieve a message from the archive, click the Move this message back out of your archive button.

Note: The Show archived items check box must be selected to display archived messages.

Show archived items check box

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