03 March 2025

Learner Ribbon

The Learner ribbon contains the following function buttons specific to a learner.

Learner ribbon

These buttons are described in the following table.

This button Does this...
Learner Search Opens the Learner Search window, where you can search for and select the required learner.
Delete Learner Deletes the selected learner record.
Add Address Adds an address to the selected learner record.
Delete Address Deletes an address from the selected learner record.
Add ID Card Adds learner ID card details.
Delete ID Card Deletes learner ID card details.
Generate Correspondence Generates correspondence for the current learner.
Go To Displays the list of modules that you can navigate to, providing the appropriate licences and roles are held.
Email Learner Sends an email to the selected learner(s).
Validate Email Validates email addresses when using the AFD address functionality.
Validate Phone Validates phone numbers when using the AFD address functionality.
Learner Export Exports learner data to assist with data protection compliance.
Refresh Refreshes the screen with updated data.
Add Adds a new record to the screen.
Delete Marks records for deletion from the screen.
Discard Changes Discards any unsaved changes.
Reports History Displays the report history of a learner.
ID Card Prints the learner ID card.
Learner Agreement Prints the learner agreement.
Duplicate Search Opens the De-duplication screen, where you can de-duplicate a learner.
UK Attainments Download

Opens the Attainments (PLR) window, where you can download attainment data from the LRS using a web service and update ebs records.

Refer to the Manage PLR Attainments for more information.

ENG View on Enrolments Opens the View Enrolments screen.

Opens the NSI Search window, where you can search for learners on the NSI database to obtain an NSN for a learner.

Refer to the NSN-NSI online help for more information.

NZ View NSI History

Displays the NSI history of a learner.

Refer to the NSN-NSI online help for more information.