03 March 2025


The new and updated features for the 4.46 release are as follows:

Header Business Impact Affected Topics

CENTURY Learner screen

A CENTURY learner screen has been created in ontrack staff hub. A link to the screen will be visible in the learner context links if a valid 'CENTURYConnector' licence is set.

The screen gives the option to create a CENTURY account, if an account has not already been created. The information that is sent to CENTURY is displayed on screen. Optionally, the account can be linked to either a cohort, populated by default if specified in institutions settings, and/or a class.

The password for the new account is specified in institution settings. If a learner does not have a college email address defined, it will be created as <person_code>@<inst setting default email domain>. If the sync process fails for any reason, then an email will be sent to the person who submitted the request as well as the email specified in institution settings.

Other supporting items that have been created:

  • Institution Settings - CENTURY

  • Reference Data - CENTURY Classes

  • Reference Data - CENTURY Cohorts


Configure CENTURY

Learner Links Pane

CENTURY Institution Settings

CENTURY Classes (reference data)

CENTURY Cohorts (reference data)

Staff CENTURY Screen

A CENTURY staff screen has been created in ontrack staff hub. A link to the screen will be visible in the staff context links if a valid 'CENTURYConnector' licence is set.

The screen gives the option to create a CENTURY account, if an account has not already been created. The information that is sent to CENTURY is displayed on screen. Optionally, the account can be linked to a class.

The password for the new account is specified in institution settings. If the sync process fails for any reason, then an email will be sent to the person who submitted the request as well as the email specified in institution settings.


Configure CENTURY

Staff Links Pane

CENTURY Receive initial assessment (Smart IA) results

The CENTURY learner screen has been extended with an additional option to Retrieve Learner's SMART IA data, available if an account has been created in CENTURY.

When results have been retrieved, these can be viewed on the new Initial Assessments tab or the Learner Attainments screen. The tab and screen are only available if the staff member has the 'View Attainments' role.

The following Institution settings have been created to support this option:

  • CENTURY ebs User and Password: credentials used to call the ebs API to create the attainment record, must have Full Attainments role.

  • Initial Assessment Attainment Type - attainment type to use for the Smart IA results.


Configure CENTURY

Learner Links Pane

CENTURY Institution Settings

General (Cross-System) Institution Settings

Header Business Impact Affected Topics

Learner Payment Integration with Flywire

ebs can now be configured so that applicants and learners can make payments through ebs: ontrack Learner Hub using an integration with Flywire.

As well as support for debit and credit card payments, the Flywire integration allows applicants and learners to pay by a number of other payment methods such as bank transfers and online banking as well as supporting payment in other currencies for international learners.

The following changes have been made to Institution Settings:

ePayments (Self-Service)
Flywire has been added to the ePayment Provider dropdown.
ePayments (Common)
A new setting ePayment Initialised Success Message has been added to allow configuration of the message displayed once a learner has gone through a successful payment flow from the My Payments page. Unlike card-only payment providers, a learner may complete the flow, but the fee could still be outstanding in ebs if the payment has been made via a bank transfer that isn't completed immediately.


ePayments (Self-Service) Institution Settings

ePayments (Common) Institution Settings

Header Business Impact Affected Topics

A new Institution setting has been added to control which email address is used in ePayments

When an ePayment is taken in ebs, the email address that is sent to the payment provider is now controlled by a new institution setting ePayment Email Preference.

ePayments (Common) Institution Settings

Relabel of a couple of settings and values in both ePayments (Staff) and ePayments (Self-Service) sections under Institution Settings

Under Institution Settings in ePayments (Staff) and ePayments (Self-Service) section the ePayment version setting is relabelled as ePayment Provider.

Among the options available on the ePayment Provider setting dropdown, the following changes have been made:

  • Capita Secure Card Portal is relabelled to Access PaySuite Pay 360 Secure Card Portal.

  • DPS Payments is relabelled to Windcave.

  • A new blank option has been added to indicate a customer is not using ePayments

ePayments (Self-Service) Institution Settings

ePayments (Staff) Institution Settings

Encrypt epayment sensitive information under Institution Setting in both ePayments (Self-Service) and ePayments (Staff) sections

Under Institution Setting in both ePayments (Self-Service) and ePayments (Staff) sections, the following settings have been encrypted due to the sensitive nature of the information they hold:

  • Payment Account Key

  • Payment Security Key

ePayments (Self-Service) Institution Settings

ePayments (Staff) Institution Settings

Header Business Impact Affected Topics

UCAS sync logic changes to handle course change scenarios

A new institution setting, UCAS HE Default application replaced progress code, has been added.

Applications will be updated to this progress code if the application choice has been replaced by another UCAS course. For example, a change of course or change of entry year at the same institution. As part of this development, there have been 2 further changes in the way application progress codes are considered and updated as follows:

  • The logic for considering UCAS course matches has been extended to include the UCAS Point of Entry field. This field determines which year a student wishes to start a course, which may not be the first year.

    For example, a 3 year degree programme, if a student applies in the 2025 application cycle, with a point of entry of 1 (meaning starting in the 1st year) then this will match a course with the occurrence 3 year span of 2025 - 2028. If, however, the point of entry is 2 (meaning starting in the 2nd year) this would be a match for the 2024 - 2027 occurrence.

  • A new reference data screen has been created - UCAS Progress Code Exclusions. This screen allows you to specify one or more progress codes that are excluded from automatic UCAS updates (if institution setting UCAS HE Allow UCAS to update existing applications is set to Y). This can be used, for example, if you wish to apply interim progress changes to track progression through an interview process to avoid the regular UCAS sync process resetting the progress code.

UCAS HE Institution Settings

UCAS Progress Code Exclusions

Intel pi
Header Business Impact Affected Topics

Intel pi version has been upgraded

This ebs release includes the August 2024 release of pi. For more information, go to pi Release notes.

Note that you should also check the release notes for the June 2024 release of pi.

Not applicable