03 March 2025


BETA Only applicable to institutions using the BETA release. Note that BETA documentation may be incomplete or contain errors.

The new and updated features for the 4.47 release are as follows:

Header Business Impact Affected Topics

Scheduled workflow to download CENTURY initial assessments to ebs

A new schedule has been created that by default runs once a day and downloads, into learner attainments, all CENTURY Initial Assessment (IA) results that have been completed since the last scheduled run.

The scheduled workflow is supported by the following additional ebs elements:

Institution Settings
New institutions settings on the CENTURY page as follows:
  • CENTURY Learner matching view: Data Miner view that is used to match on CENTURY information. This can be amended to a user-defined view if the institution matching criteria is non-standard.

  • CENTURY Bulk initial assessment load from date: retrieve all IA results completed on or after this date (-1 day). Defaults to 01/08/2024. Subsequent workflow runs will update this setting to the current date.

Data Miner

Learner CENTURY Match view is used in conjunction with the institution setting to match CENTURY and ebs learners.

Email Templates

CENTURY Initial Assessment Bulk Download report that is sent to the email address defined in Institution Settings > CENTURY email address for error messages.

CENTURY Integration

Configure CENTURY

CENTURY Institution Settings


Scheduled workflow to sync Courses and Registers with CENTURY classes

A new scheduled workflow has been created that by default runs once a day to create classes, students, and teachers in CENTURY and link them together based on data defined in ebs.

The scheduled workflow is supported by the following additional ebs elements:

Institution Settings
New institutions settings on the CENTURY page as follows:
  • CENTURY Academic Year - only consider year equal or greater for sync.

  • CENTURY Course Membership View - the view used to retrieve students and teachers from Curriculum items to sync to CENTURY Classes.

  • CENTURY Register Membership View - the view used to retrieve students and teachers from Register Event items to sync to CENTURY Classes.

Data Miner

New Data Miner views as follow:

  • CENTURY Course Membership: retrieves students and teachers from courses with CENTURY details defined.

  • CENTURY Register Membership: retrieves students and teachers from register events with CENTURY details defined.

Email Templates

CENTURY_CLASS_ERR report that is sent to the email address defined in Institution Settings > CENTURY email address for error messages.

CENTURY Integration

Configure CENTURY

CENTURY Institution Settings

Course CENTURY Details page

A new ontrack page has been created to view and add CENTURY Details records for courses and, optionally, tutor groups that should be included in the CENTURY integration.

A button is shown on the Course Details page, access to the page is only available if an institution has the CENTURYConnector licence and the authenticated user has the Course CENTURY role.

Note that the page becomes read-only, apart from the Active check-box, once the details are synced with CENTURY, as these details cannot be updated in CENTURY through the current APIs.

Course CENTURY Details

Update Course CENTURY Details page

A new ontrack page has been created to edit and delete CENTURY Details records for courses. This is accessed from the Course CENTURY Details page by selecting the link in the Type column.

The page is only available if an institution has the CENTURYConnector licence and the authenticated user has the Course CENTURY role.

Note that the page becomes read-only, apart from the Active check-box, once the details are synced with CENTURY, as these details cannot be updated in CENTURY through the current APIs.

Course CENTURY Details - Update

Register CENTURY Details page

A new ontrack page has been created to create CENTURY Details records for events. This is accessed from the Register Details page by selecting the CENTURY DETAILS button

The page is only available if an institution has the CENTURYConnector licence and the authenticated user has the Manage CENTURY Events role.

Note that the page becomes read-only, apart from the Active check-box, once the details are synced with CENTURY, as these details cannot be updated in CENTURY through the current APIs.

Register CENTURY Details

Update Register CENTURY Details page

A new ontrack page has been created to edit and delete CENTURY Details records for register events. This is accessed from the Register CENTURY Details page by selecting the link on the grid.

The page is only available if an institution has the CENTURYConnector licence and the authenticated user has the Manage CENTURY Events role.

Note that the page becomes read-only, apart from the Active check-box, once the details are synced with CENTURY, as these details cannot be updated in CENTURY through the current APIs.

Register CENTURY Details - Update

CENTURY Class Data Miner Views

Two new CENTURY Class Data Miner Views have been created as follows:

Course CENTURY classes
List of all classes linked to Curriculum items including their sync status.
Course CENTURY class list
List of all students and teachers that are linked to active century classes.

Not applicable

CENTURY Register Data Miner views

Two new CENTURY class Data Miner views have been created as follows:

Register CENTURY classes
List of all classes linked to register event items including their sync status.
Register CENTURY class list
List of all students and teachers that are linked to active century classes.

Not applicable

Header Business Impact Affected Topics
UCAS Integration updated to handle multiple intakes within a single year

A new institution setting has been added to the UCAS area UCAS HE Course matching uses Month of Entry.

This setting is shipped with a default value of No to retain existing matching behaviour by default. When set to Yes, when considering which UCAS courses match ebs courses, as well as course code, year and optionally campus, the start date month will also be matched to the month of entry.

This allows two course occurrences to be defined with the same UCAS Course code, but starting in January and September.

UCAS HE Institution Settings

UCAS application year is updated when a UIO is rolled forward

When a course occurrence is rolled forward, if the UCAS application year is populated, then this will be incremented by one.

For example, if the source UIO has a UCAS application year of 24, that is an entry year of 2024, the target UIO will automatically set the UCAS application year to 25.

Not applicable

UCAS Support for 3 digit HESA Ethnicity codes

As part of the UCAS 2026 specification changes, 3 character HESA Ethnicity codes have been added to the UCAS Ethnicity reference data, and the UCAS integration modified to handle the longer codes.

Not applicable

Description column for UCAS reference data

An ebs Description column has been added to the UCAS verifiers reference data screens to make it easier to identify which UCAS codes are currently mapped to active ebs codes.

Not applicable