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3/3/2025 2:30 PM 25195 Absence Reasons.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23399 Absence Reporting Labels.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23483 Absence Reporting Wizard Labels.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23717 Academic Years.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23476 Access Rights.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23904 Action Type.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23368 Address Types.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23442 AFD Censation Codes.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23694 Attainment Types.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23672 Card Type.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23906 CDR Verifiers.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 24457 CENTURY Classes.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 24476 CENTURY Cohorts.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23497 Communications Format Type.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23810 Completion Indicators (5.4).htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 31090 Concurrent Programmes.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23681 Consent Groups.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23814 Consent Sources.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 24691 Consent Types.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23039 Contract Adjustment Reasons.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23017 Contract Reasons.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23759 Course Classification (2.15, 3.5).htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 34343 CP Cost Types.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 33642 CP Income Types.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23965 Criminal Disclosure Application Type.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23422 Data Protection Contact Types.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23385 Declared Sex.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23268 E-Mail Types.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23608 Edge Notification Messages.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 25999 Edge Roles.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23793 Eligibility 16-19 (exc. Apps) disadvantage funding (EDF).htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23765 EMA Course Type.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23853 EMA Years.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23859 ePayment Transaction Status Codes.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23313 Facilities.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23830 Funding Category (2.14, 3.9).htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23858 Funding Degree Research Status (2.14, 3.9).htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23902 Funding Years.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 22693 Gender.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23023 HE Assessment Types.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23484 Health & Safety Status.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23771 HESA Care Leaver (Local).htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23777 HESA Credit Scheme (Local).htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23780 HESA Gender identity (Local).htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23766 HESA Nationality (Local).htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23792 HESA Parental Education (Local).htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23754 HESA Religion (Local).htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23776 HESA Sex identifier (Local).htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23792 HESA Sexual orientation (Local).htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23843 HESA Socio economic classification (Local).htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23701 HESA Course ID.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23680 HESA Year.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23804 Highest Secondary School Qual (1.12).htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23791 Insurance Policy Cover Types.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23817 International Student Fee Category (2.8).htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23856 Internet Based Learning Indicator (3.13).htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23840 Intramural Extramural Attendance (2.9).htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23349 ISO Alpha 3 Country Codes.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23804 Iwi Affiliation (1.17).htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23642 Language.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23855 Learning Aims.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23849 Level on NZ Register (3.7).htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23881 Loan Entitlement Threshold (LET) Values.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 24061 Loan Status.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23848 Main Activity at 1 October (1.7).htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23790 Main Subject (4.5 - 4.7).htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23285 Marital Status.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 24699 Match Condition.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23744 Match Status.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23442 Name Capitalisation Exceptions.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 24610 Not Known or Pending.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23389 Note Topics.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23772 NZSCED Field of Study (2.16, 3.6).htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23295 Offer Type.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23889 OIDC Issuers.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23416 Organisation Types.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23338 Passport Status.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23814 PBRF Eligible Course Indicator (3.14).htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23861 Person Functions.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 26795 Plan Statuses.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23351 Policy Cover Types.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23296 Position.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23397 Progress Policies.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23271 Pronouns.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23465 Qualification on Entry (local).htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23339 Qualification Types.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23774 Register OMR Marks.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23011 Register Type.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 39549 Register Usage Codes.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 24234 Registers Students Progress Types.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 24878 Residential Status (2.12).htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23877 Room Layout Types.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23287 Room Type.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 29111 Rooms.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23727 Scholarship Type.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23438 School Types.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23428 Schools.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23403 Sex.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 24187 SLC Attendance Confirmation Dates.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 24178 Source of Funding (2.11).htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23319 Special Days.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23964 Staff Availability.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23891 Stage of Pre-Service Teacher Education Qual (3.11).htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23828 Territorial Authority (TLA) Codes.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23342 Third Party Entity Types.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23520 Third Party Links.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23331 Third Party Systems.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23266 Title.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 24286 UCAS Action Decision Reply.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23664 UCAS Area of Residency-Domicile.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23785 UCAS Campus.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23629 UCAS Declared Sex.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23617 UCAS Ethnicity.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23605 UCAS Gender.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23625 UCAS Nationality.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 25033 UCAS Progress Code Exclusions.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23598 UCAS Sex.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 24029 Unit Standards.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23707 Visa Status.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23289 Visa Types.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23326 Visit Type.htm