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3/3/2025 2:30 PM 25809 Add a Course to an Event.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 26595 Add a Room to an Event.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 27463 Add Learners to an Event.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 26202 Add Learners to Groups.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 27386 Add Marks to an Event.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 26484 Add Staff to an Event.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 24127 Adding Marks to an Event.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 30823 Change the Day or Time of the Event.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 41159 Change the Staff, Room, Course or Learner on an Event.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 26087 Change the Week Pattern of an Event.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 24577 Clash Management.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 43458 Components of the Timetable Screen.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 25486 Copying Events.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 26035 Create a New Event by Course Group.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 33951 Create a New Event from the File Drop-Down Menu.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 26633 Create an Event for a Child Course via the Parent Course.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 34865 Create an Event from a Timetable.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 25214 Create Groups against a Course.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 24824 Creating Events.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 31217 Duplicate Timetable.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 24899 Editing Events.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23894 Exit ebs shape.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 64767 Explore the User Interface.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 25697 Export Grid Data.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 28891 Finding Free Staff and Rooms.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 27332 Generate a Register.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23823 Get Started with ebs shape.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 29377 Global Register Slot Deactivation.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 51479 Identify a Clash.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 24650 Learner Group Management.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 25451 Log in.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 25744 Manage the Transfer of Learners from One Group to Another.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 24281 Managing and Using Timetables.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23976 Managing Registers.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 38659 Merge Events.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 26144 Merging Marks.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 32640 Open a Timetable.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 24260 Open an Event from a Timetable.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 25205 Open an Event using the Event Search.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 24111 Open an Existing Event.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 33140 Open Learner Group Management.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 24614 Paste Multiple Events.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 28300 Re-issue a Register.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 25891 Recall a Register.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 24236 Register Event Generation.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 46687 Register Review.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 35716 Resolve a Clash.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 28393 Set up a Course for Register Event Generation.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 29558 Special Week Patterns.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 24593 Start ebs shape.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 43134 Task List Management.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 39843 Timetable Overview.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 41077 Timetable Printing.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 33097 Timetable Roll Forward.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 23611 Use ebs shape.htm
3/3/2025 2:30 PM 49853 Use the Event Tabs.htm